Should I get a maternity bra?

Please momma, don’t make the same mistake I did…

One of my biggest mistakes as a soon-to-be mom could’ve easily been avoided.


My friends kept telling me not to do it and I have no idea why I didn’t listen.


Nope, I went along with it up until the very end of my first pregnancy and even though I still regret it, I’m just happy I didn’t cause any damage.


The funny thing is, I didn’t even realize how horrible it was until I had my second child and felt soo much better than the first pregnancy - all because of one change.


I’m talking a night and day difference here! To my surprise I


  • Looked wayyy better than I did during my first pregnancy


  • Felt a million times better - I felt free, I felt supported and best of all I was comfy


  • Saved over a hundred dollars and a bunch of time and stress


  • Launched my first ever company after seeing what pregnancy should be like


Just like any other soon-to-be momma, I wanted to save money. Most of us would start making coffee at home or get into couponing, but me? No!

Maternity Bras Are The BEST Investment You Can Make

Instead I wore sports bras throughout my entire pregnancy.


I thought buying a maternity bra would be a horrible investment because 1. I’d have to get a couple of them 2. They’d only be worn during pregnancy and 3. I would then have to buy nursing bras once I gave birth.


But nothing is further from the truth! Maternity bras are one of the best investments you can ever make. A good maternity bra:


  • Will fit you perfectly throughout pregnancy & postpartum as your size fluctuates


  • Looks like a regular bra and can be worn during any trimester, postpartum or years after


  • Has built-in, leak-proof (yet breathable) padding and nursing clips for easy feeding


  • Is made of super soft and smooth cotton


  • Looks cute on you and makes you feel good the second you put it on


  • Has no underwire, yet is just as supportive as an underwire bra (without the discomfort)


After finally ‘taking the plunge’ and wearing a maternity bra for my second child, I realized just how amazing maternity bras are.


And the very cheesy truth is: I loved them so much that I put my whole life on hold to create an affordable maternity bra that would do everything a momma could ever want.


You can get 3 of them for only $39.95 by clicking the button below!